Plans for 2007
The board, which now consists of Tim Westbrook (president), Nándor Cséti, Gyula Sütő, and Imre Kovács, has been able to meet and plan for the next year. The normal services are scheduled such as three seminars, assistance in the childrens camp in Szolnok , enhancing the library with more Hungarian language reference materials, benevolence programs, excursions, and encouraging nationwide fellowship and study.
In addition to these, the LÉT also plans to launch two sources of communication. First, with the help of Jeff McGlawn, the LÉT’s blog is now in operation. The blog will serve as the LÉT’s primary means of communicating to sponsors on a regular basis. Instead of a stagnant website, we hope that a blog will allow for an interactive dimension to our worldwide communication. The blog is in English and Hungarian. Second, the LÉT plans to develop a bilingual quarterly for the Hungarian churches. As a printed resource, the paper will provide news, communicate events, and provide study and devotional materials. It is our prayer that this paper will improve the churches’ possibilities to follow each others’ happenings. This paper has been a dream for quite some time, and we are thrilled to be making progress toward this goal.
Michael Shuttlesworth has agreed to help coordinate the LÉT’s seminars. With his assistance, we should be able to provide lectures that are effective and relevant to the work’s current needs. This spring, Eddie and Carol Hendrix will hold a workshop on group and team dynamics in the church. In the summer, Dr. Ken Hobby will present apologetic materials that he has developed through his background in statistics and research design. He will also hold evening discussions on church planting methods. The fall seminar has not yet been scheduled, but a topic and presenter should be in place soon.
The year 2007 should be a thriving year for the Lord’s church in Hungary . Please continue to keep these churches in your prayers as we all work together to glorify Him and to add more members to His kingdom.
Tim Westbrook, president